Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Time to look back

I devote almost 8 years to working on Oracle Applications. Now it’s time to involves a topic that as a student I gave special emphasis: heat transfer.
So, in this post, I would like to involve Oracle BI as well as Heat transfer over volumes. In this sense, based on first law of thermodynamics (conservation of energy), methods are given for the calculation of the distribution temperature.

Key aspect: Methodology followed allows to evaluate the values of Temperatures given time instant.

For this purpose, a brief explanation of 2D space-time problem are given.  In concret, looking for approximate solutions to partial differential equations using numerical methods (finit element analysis). To sum up, below (within a slide) are presented involved aspects.

Key aspect: Discretisation of time derivatives.

As has been commented before, taking into account the first law of thermodynamics, we present a methodology in order to solve the governing equations of heat transfer (convection and diffusion are considered).

Key aspect: We are assuming that diffusion is the difference in the heat per unit area through two planes (separated dx). In particular, as presented in the following slides, are taken into account three situations such as:

-          Extrem (i=1): Convection and diffusion.

       Intern  (1 < i < n ): Diffusion.

      Extern (i = n): Convection and diffusion

Once we have obtained equations where Tpn+1 only depends on Tpn, then not only initials conditions (t=0) are required but also bounday conditions needs to be taken in account.

Key aspect: time-step Δt can’t be chosen arbitrarily.
So, all values are known and Tpn+1 can be obtained. As a result:

Now it’s required to verificat the solution obtained!
Best wishes.