Siebel provides an useful way to load data in Siebel Application, that allows end-users to load small quantity of data into Siebel (my own experience in using Import Object: load data for identify a set of holiday dates, description of new products,...).
Technical development:
1. You need a Business Object where the Business Component for import is Primary for the Business Object.
2. A view based on the Business Object mentioned should include the list applet (Import Objects are available in list applet only) where import needs to be done.
3. Navigate to “Import Object” in Siebel Tools. Create a new record for an Import Object. Specify the Business Component name and Project.
4. Once “Import Object” is created in Siebel Tools (specifying the Business Component Name and Project), it’s required to configure also its child Objects:
a. Import Field: Create new records in order to add the Fields of the Business Component in which you need to import the data.
b. Import Key Field: Create a combination of Key similar to user key that can help to uniquely identify the data for import.
c. Import Source: Define the type of source file for Import (ECCO 3.0). It’s required:
c.1. “Import Field Map” : Import Fields
c.2. ‘Import Field Columns’: Header name of corresponding column in the source Import file .
End-User application:
In order to import data, you need a data file for load, which requires:
• Headers for the data columns must be specified.
• Each value should be delimited by TAB.
If Menu-Button of the list applet is pressed, ‘Import’ is available, as it’s shown avobe:
Weather the option ‘Import’ is pressed, then you will see a Browser Choise screen appear, such as:
Once the load is done, status report is available as shown above: